They say that you should never regret anything in life that you have done, only those that things which you have not.

For me my one true regret is not getting into photography at a much younger age. As it was I developed photography as a hobby whilst working in the marketing and advertising field, something that I did for over 25 years


I decided to take the leap in 2016, leaving the career that I had known and starting afresh in photography. I realised that I could utilise my knowledge and experience that I had accumulated and combine that with my passion for photography to create the business that exists today.

I shoot with high end Canon and Tamron equipment, they do produce lovely images but I am a firm believer that it is the person behind the camera that is the most important piece of equipment.. I'm also highly proficient in both Lightroom and Photoshop to ensure that your final images are as good as they could possibly be.


My other passion in life is nature -  and I like nothing more than a good bush walk, camping in the wilderness, paddling down a creek miles from anywhere or cycling up a hill (actually I prefer cycling down the other side!)

The Team

Apart from myself there is currently one other member of the team.

Meet Truc. She has many roles within the organisation from assistant to second shooter, from new business director to client liaison.

She makes the place tick and is just plain awesome. Truc can be contacted directly at